Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The American Way

The American colonies created multitude public relations experts, such as Hamilton, Madison, and Jay who published letters known as the Federalist Papers. Other “PR experts” – the founders of the United states – produced such documents as the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, that Bates (2006) considers as masterworks of public relations that helped establish the United States as the basis for pursuing public relations as a profession representing the diverse interests of democracy and free enterprise.


Open Sky Museum said...

I would be very happy if you provide us with more detailed information on early PR steps in Armenia. thanks in advance:)

Tamara said...

I would rather draw your attention on PR in public sector, since here we have more issues to solve rather than in private sector, where PR specialists face straightforward objectives, which are easy to define in few sentences (even in case of complex matrix organizations) – contrary to that public sector provides a wide range of services, stretching from fire service to tourism promotion, where each of the services has its own PR needs, and all the strategies and tactics sometimes have to be worked out in a few hours.

Anonymous said...

Great Blog! A lot of interesting informstion! Please go on with providing us with analyses of PR in Armenia!